Do you know what is the NSSO Full Form? This comprehensive guide will introduce you to the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO Full Form) and its complete form. Discover the objectives, divisions, functions, and history of NSSO and how it is responsible for collecting data for the government and researchers in India. It plays a vital role.
Table of Contents
What is the NSSO Full Form?
The full form of NSSO is the National Sample Survey Office.
N – National
S – Sample
S – Survey
O – Office
What is the History of NSSO?
The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) was established in 1950 as the Central Sample Organization (CSO) and is a part of the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation (MOSPI). The CSO was renamed as the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in 1970. Since its inception, NSSO has been responsible for conducting large-scale sample surveys on various socio-economic and demographic topics in India. Over the years, NSSO has conducted over 600 surveys on a wide range of topics, such as consumption expenditure, employment, education, health, housing, and access to basic amenities.
What are the Divisions of NSSO?
The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) is divided into four divisions, each with specific responsibilities and functions:
- Survey Design and Research Division (SDRD): This division is responsible for the design, development, and implementation of survey procedures and methodologies. It also provides technical guidance to the field operations division, conducts research on survey methodologies and statistical techniques, and develops software tools for data processing and analysis.
- Field Operations Division (FOD): This division is responsible for the execution of surveys and the collection, processing, and dissemination of survey data. It coordinates with state governments and other agencies to conduct surveys and provides training and support to survey personnel.
- Data Processing Division (DPD): This division is responsible for the processing and tabulation of survey data. It provides technical assistance to the field operations division in data collection, validation and data entry. It also develops software tools for data processing and analysis and also ensures quality control of data processing.
- Coordination & Publication Division (CPD): This division is responsible for the dissemination of survey results. It publishes reports and data sets based on survey findings, provides data access to researchers and other users, and maintains a website for data dissemination. It also provides training and support to users of survey data.
Dividing the functions of the NSSO into four divisions ensures that the data collection and survey process is carried out efficiently and effectively. Each division specializes in its field and coordinates with the others to produce accurate, reliable and timely data on various aspects of the Indian economy and society.
What are the Objectives of NSSO?
The objectives of the NSSO are to:
- Conduct large-scale sample surveys to collect data on various socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the population.
- Contribute to the development of official statistics and statistical systems in India.
- Provide accurate and timely data on various aspects of the economy and society, such as consumption patterns, employment, income, poverty, health, education, and housing.
- Support the planning and evaluation of government programs and policies.
What are the Functions of NSSO?
The functions of the NSSO include:
- Designing and conducting sample surveys on various socio-economic and demographic topics.
- Collecting, processing, and disseminating survey data.
- Training survey personnel and building capacity in the field of sample survey statistics.
- Providing technical assistance to other government agencies and organizations in the field of survey design, sample selection, and data analysis.
- Conducting research and development on survey methodologies and statistical techniques.

Other NSSO Full Forms List
Term | Full Form | Category |
NSSO | National Sample Survey Organisation | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation |
NSSO | Networked Storage Solution Organization | Computer Hardware |
The NSSO is a premier agency of the Government of India that conducts large-scale sample surveys to collect data on various socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the population. The data collected by NSSO is used for planning and evaluating government programs, and policies and also for understanding the current scenario of the society. NSSO has been in existence since 1950 and has conducted over 600 surveys to date and continues to be an important source of data for the government and researchers in India.
FAQ: What Is Full Form NSSO?
What does NSSO stand for?
NSSO typically stands for National Sample Survey Office. It was formerly a government agency in India responsible for conducting large-scale sample surveys across various socio-economic domains. These surveys provided crucial data for policymaking, planning, and research in areas like poverty, employment, education, health, agriculture, and industry.
What happened to NSSO?
In 2019, NSSO merged with the Central Statistics Office (CSO) to form the National Statistical Office (NSO). This move aimed to streamline data collection and analysis under one umbrella organization.
What are the functions of NSO?
NSO inherits the functions of both NSSO and CSO, including Conducting large-scale sample surveys across various domains.
Compiling and disseminating official statistics for India.
Maintaining and updating statistical frameworks and standards.
Providing statistical data and analysis to government agencies, researchers, and the public.
Where can I find data from NSSO surveys?
While NSSO no longer exists, you can still access historical data from its surveys through the NSO website:
What are some other organizations involved in statistics in India?
Other important organizations include the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI), which is the nodal ministry responsible for the NSO.
State Statistical Organisations (SSOs): These are responsible for collecting and analyzing data at the state level.
Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR): Funds research projects in the social sciences, including some related to statistics.
How can I learn more about NSO and its activities?
Visit the NSO website mentioned above.
How can I participate in NSO surveys?
NSO conducts surveys through various channels, including households, businesses, and government institutions. Specific participation methods vary depending on the survey.
What are the career opportunities in statistics in India?
There are various opportunities in government agencies, research organizations, private companies, and NGOs involved in data collection, analysis, and policymaking.
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