CVC Full Form

CVC Full Form: CVC Meaning, Definition, Types, and Uses

Do you know what is the CVC Full Form? The Central Vigilance Commission is an independent body responsible for handling corruption and vigilance-related matters within the central government.

What is the Full Form of CVC?

CVC – Central Vigilance Commission

  • C- Central
  • V- Vigilance
  • C- Commission


The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is an independent body established by the Government of India in 1964 to address corruption and malpractices within the country’s public sector. The commission is headed by a Central Vigilance Commissioner, who is appointed by the President of India. Nittur Srinivasa Rao was the first head of the CVC and Suresh N. Patel is the current chairman of the CVC.

The CVC is an independent body responsible for handling matters relating to corruption and vigilance within the Central Government in India. The headquarters of the CVC is located in New Delhi and all its proceedings are conducted at the headquarters. It has the autonomy to manage its own affairs and finally, the commission submits its annual report to the President of India and the President then submits the report to the Parliament.

What are the functions and powers of CVC?

The primary function of the CVC is to investigate and prevent corruption in the public sector. It acts as a watchdog, overseeing the activities of government departments and public sector companies to ensure that they are operating in an honest and transparent manner.

The CVC also has the power to recommend disciplinary action against public servants found guilty of misconduct or corruption. In addition to its investigative powers, the CVC also acts as an advisory body to the government on matters relating to vigilance and integrity.

It provides guidance and support to government departments and public sector companies to help them develop and implement effective systems to prevent corruption.

What is Central Vigilance Commission Act?

One of the major mechanisms used by the CVC in its fight against corruption is the Central Vigilance Commission Act, which was passed in 2003. The Act gives CVC-wide powers to investigate and prosecute public servants suspected of corruption.

It also establishes a system for reporting corruption, allowing individuals to file complaints against public servants who are suspected of misconduct. The Act also empowers the CVC to establish and maintain a Central Vigilance Register, which contains information on all public servants who have been found guilty of misconduct or corruption.

How CVC promotes probity and transparency?

The CVC also plays an important role in promoting integrity and transparency within the public sector. It provides training and education to government servants to help them understand their responsibilities and obligations under the CVC Act. It also works with other government agencies and organizations to promote good governance and raise public awareness of the importance of fighting corruption.

What is the Organizational Structure of CVC?

The Commission has a two-tier structure, with the Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) at the top, assisted by not more than two Vigilance Commissioners. The Commission is also assisted by a Secretary level officer. The commission also has a Director of Prosecutions who advise it on legal matters, and a Chief Technical Examiner who advises it on technical matters.

What is Whistleblower Act?

Whistleblowers are individuals who reveal information about illegal or unethical activities within an organization. The Whistleblowers Protection Act 2014 is a law passed in India that aims to protect whistleblowers from retaliation and provides them with a mechanism to report such activities anonymously.

The Act applies to all employees except employees of special protection groups and provides for punishment for making false complaints. The act also encourages people to report corruption and requires that all disclosures be made in good faith.

Lastly, the CVC plays a vital role in ensuring integrity and transparency in the Indian public sector. Its investigative powers and advisory role help prevent and address corruption, while efforts to promote good governance and raise awareness of the importance of fighting corruption are essential to maintaining Indian citizens’ trust in government. It is a key institution that helps protect the integrity of India’s public sector and it is important that it continues to be supported in its efforts to root out corruption and malpractice.

CVC Full Form

Other CVC Full Forms List

Read all CVC word-related full forms here:

TermFull FormCategory
CVCCentral Vigilance CommissionMinistry of Personnel
CVCCard Verification CodeAccounts and Finance
CVCCleveAirport Code
CVCChloro Voltaic CellElectronics
CVCConventional Vibrated ConcreteElectronics
CVCChemical Vapor CleaningElectronics
CVCCombat Vehicle CrewMilitary and Defence
CVCCard Validation CodeNetworking
CVCCustomer Virtual ContextsNetworking
CVCCharacter Vs CharacterSports

FAQs- What is the CVC Full Form?

Q.1. What is the full form of CVC in government?

Ans. In government, the full form of CVC is Central Vigilance Commission.

Q.2. What is the CVC Full Form in Medical?

Ans. In medical terms, CVC full form means Central Venous Catheter.

Q.3. What is the CVC Full Form in Banking?

Ans. In Banking, the full form of CVC is Card Verification Code.

Q.4. What is the full form of CVC in Hindi?

Ans. The CVC Full Form in Hindi is केन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग.

Q.5. Who was the first chairman of the Central Vigilance Commission?

Ans. The Nittur Srinivasa Rao/Nittor Srinivasa Rao was the first chairman of CVC.

Q.6. Who is the current president of the CVC Commission?

Ans. Suresh N. Patel is the current president of the CVC Commission.

Q. 7. When was the CVC established?

Ans. In 1964, the CVC commission was established.

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